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Digital Oversight

As set out in Circular 14/21 , the OGCIO's Digital Government Oversight Unit (DGOU) is responsible for the oversight of new digital / ICT-related initiatives proposed by Civil and Public Service bodies (PSBs) to ensure alignment with Government policy, associated strategies and demonstrate good governance structures and practice.

The DGOU has a particular focus on ensuring implementation of Circular 14/21 which applies from 1 July 2021. The primary objectives of this new circular are to ensure that digital and ICT related initiatives are appropriately aligned with all relevant government policies and the strategies that support them, and that appropriate governance arrangements are in place to assure their successful delivery.

Circular 14/21 also formalises the Peer Review process which applies to digital and ICT initiatives of significant scale, risk and/ or strategic importance and aligns to the Public Spending Code.

PSBs are required to ensure compliance with the terms of Circular 14/21 as part of their planning process for digital / ICT initiatives.

PSBs have a nominated liaison officer who is responsible for engaging with the DGOU in relation to seeking approval for planned Digital and ICT initiatives designed to support their organisation’s digital transformation. All Digital and ICT initiative requests for approval submissions should be made online via the eDGOU system.

For more information, contact