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Public Service Data Strategy

The work being carried out in this area

The Public Service Data Strategy sets out a vision for data, its use, its re-use and its management within the Public Service. It includes a set of guiding principles to assist PSBs in aligning with the vision. It also details a series of strategic themes and supporting actions that will build incrementally to a target state data ecosystem.

The 31 actions spread across 13 different data themes:

Protection and Legislation

  • complete the Data Sharing and Governance Act
  • data Sharing Framework to support PSBs
  • ensure processing of personal data in line with data protection

Governance and Standards

  • establish Data Governance Board
  • define standards and guidelines in line with GDPR Article 40

Privacy and Security

  • publish privacy-by-design and security guidelines
  • PSBs to employ security and privacy measures
  • protect personal data online using MyGovID
  • implement a secure cross-agency Digital Postbox solution

Digital Collection

  • adopt digital data collection
  • develop a secure platform for online surveys
  • establish a UI/UX procurement framework
  • develop a platform for online self-service forms

Interoperability Platform

  • develop a Data Interoperability Platform


  • develop an analytics platform supporting secure virtual data rooms
  • adopt analytics and visualisation tools


  • develop a Government data catalogue
  • develop a Government API portal

Trusted Identifiers

  • promote roll-out and adoption of the PSC, MyGovID and Eircode
  • progress the UBI initiative

Base Registries

  • develop base registries


  • develop a Personal Data Portal for citizens
  • publish data sharing agreements
  • catalogue and release open datasets


  • define a self-assessment maturity framework
  • define a data strategy template for PSBs
  • PSBs to appoint an officer with responsibility for data


  • encourage PSBs to catalogue and share geospatial datasets
  • develop the State’s proposal data hub (GeoHive)
  • define Geospatial data governance structures

Records Management

  • implement Public Service Records Management plan

This vision and set of actions acts as our “North Star” – a goal to start moving towards incrementally. Although covering four years, this strategy sets out some long-term actions which will take well beyond the lifetime of this strategy to fully realise. However, it starts us on a pathway, where we can begin to deliver the changes required.

What it means for you

In October 2017 Ireland signed up to the once-only principle. The once-only principle outlines that public bodies should collect data once, and only once from citizens and businesses, and reuse that data as opposed to recollecting it.

By re-using data in this manner, and implementing the actions in the strategy, we aim to deliver:

  • more joined-up and integrated public services
  • more streamlined and efficient public services
  • a reduction in citizens providing the same data over and over again
  • better protection of personal data
  • improving the process of policy formulation and evaluation
  • increased data awareness and transparency

Where to get more information